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J / BOATS Owner's Manuals PDF

J Boats J22 Sailing Manual
J Boats J22 Sailing Manual
J Boats J22 Sailing Manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 704.1 KB
J Boats J88 Owner Manual
J Boats J88 Owner Manual
J Boats J88 Owner Manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.8 MB
J Boats J80 User Guide
J Boats J80 User Guide
J Boats J80 User Guide.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 114.2 KB
J Boats J109 Owner Manual
J Boats J109 Owner Manual
J Boats J109 Owner Manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.1 MB

J Boats J122

History of J / Boats

Some J / Boats Owner's Manuals PDF above the page.


The Johnston family's family business, J / Boats, dates back to the early 1970s when Rod Johnston sold ads at Soundings Magazine in Connecticut.


Having formed the company with his brother Bob, Rod launched the construction of the J24 in 1977, and already in the first year 250 buildings were sold.


In 1981, SAIL Magazine named the J24 the “Best Keel Yacht” in 30 years, and more than 5,000 hulls were sold.


J / Boats played a large role in the development of yacht building. In the early 1990s, the J / 105 model was the first to carry an asymmetric spinnaker on a removable bowsprit.


More than 20 other projects were recognized as the “Yacht of the Year”, and five received World Class Sailing status. In 1991, Fortune magazine named J / Boats one of the best American products of the century.

In 2016, Rod Johnston (born 1937) was included in the US Marine Hall of Fame.


Despite the good interior decoration of the J / Boats cruising models, these boats are still more sporty than cruise. Of course, this is true for models for club racing.


Accordingly, it will be difficult to manage with J / Boats alone. But this is the philosophy of J / Boats: safe, exciting and fast races in both light and fresh winds, whether it is a bay or the open sea.